The West Fargo Police Department, in a bid to continually enhance its efficiency, recently showcased the transformative potential of public-private partnerships in law enforcement. A critical challenge they faced revolved around optimizing communication during major incident responses. While trade shows and consultations with nationwide counterparts yielded insights, most tools were either inadequate or too costly.
With unwavering determination, Lt. Greg Warren, and Detective Derek Cruff of the West Fargo Police force, tapped into the local high school’s STEM program, engaging with technology-enthusiastic students. This collaboration unexpectedly bore fruit when one student presented the idea at the Fargo Startup Weekend in 2018, clinching the top spot.
It was at this juncture that North Dakota’s Governor, Doug Burgum, commended the initiative. He reflected on the “Run, Grow, Transform” IT model, stressing the inherent challenges bureaucratic systems pose to transformational change. While most state resources are dedicated to daily operations (Run), minimal focus goes towards expansion (Grow), and even less towards groundbreaking change (Transform). But with the private sector’s intervention, such as the technological solution from Rising Tide Software, transformative change can indeed be realized.
Seizing this momentum, leadership at Rising Tide Software proposed a revolutionary partnership with the West Fargo Police Department. Together, they birthed Major Incident Command Assist (MICA), a platform tailored for efficient multi-agency communication during dire situations like child abductions or active shooter scenarios.
This partnership epitomizes a win-win situation. The police department had a significant voice in MICA’s design process, ensuring the final product resonated with on-ground requirements. On the other hand, this collaborative venture allowed Rising Tide Software to bypass the financial constraints that typically deter single entities from pursuing such endeavors.
The West Fargo Police Department, along with the inter-agency Child Abduction Response Team of the Red River Valley, wholly embraced this partnership. The latter even invited Rising Tide Software to immerse themselves in their operations, leading to invaluable feedback that enriched MICA’s features. With software engineers and law enforcement personnel working hand in hand, the project realized numerous features that directly addressed real-world challenges.
This story of collaboration between the West Fargo Police Department and Rising Tide Software is a testament to the incredible results achievable when public entities and private sectors join forces. MICA is not merely a technological tool; it represents a beacon of hope, signaling to other law enforcement agencies the infinite possibilities when innovation meets dedication.